Life is a journey not a destination

Hey there Chasers! People always talk about how the journey is way more important than the destination. Well, I could not agree with that sentiment more. After being hit and nearly killed by a truck, I was quite literally pushed into my career path. As a result, I learned that the actual destination is not what I should be attached to; it’s the personal journey battling through old insecurities that dictates how I act and what direction my life goes. That internal struggle is where the true learning and golden moments have come for me. I have to let go and surrender, let my heart and gut point me in the direction of my passion. It is only after I do this that my life’s journey is paved with peace, serenity, and a new sense of confidence.

Having a near death experience has allowed me to have a second lease on life and I now live with constant gratitude that many have not survived their own brushes with death. That puts an internal pressure and obligation on me to make the most of my time here and to strive to be my best self.  Doing the right thing and coloring inside the lines doesn’t always go hand-in-hand with being in the entertainment industry, but at the end of the day, it is vital for me to keep in mind every single day.

I think we all have these epiphanies, whether big or small, and they can act as a catalyst that takes us out of our comfort zone and fear and into our true, authentic paths. Sometimes, we need to be shaken to our core. We need the breakdown to get to the breakthrough. That was certainly the case for me, but I also allow myself to be open to more subtle epiphanies that can still stop me dead in my tracks and force me to shift gears.

At the end of the day, the best lesson I have learned thus far is that it doesn’t matter what your profession is, what your bank account looks like, or any other surface level attribute. To truly be present and embrace this beautiful journey we call life, we have to just show up and allow these moments of awakening to stir things up in us. Discomfort means things are shifting and when you stay in it and make it through, man, it is beautiful on the other side. I appreciate you all for taking the time to connect with my story and my art and I hope you all are living your truths and enjoying each amazing, fleeting moment.